BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240602T213201EDT-4354ENnbxz@ DTSTAMP:20240603T013201Z DESCRIPTION:'Our weekly SPIRIT Club exercise classes offer the option to st ay and attend a social after the fitness class. All SPIRIT Clubs classes a re taught by trained / certified professionals\, and most are offered with multiple levels of difficulty including a seated option. \n\nOnce registe red you will be emailed a zoom link to access the classes on Tuesday morni ngs. You can register and attend all or choose the classes that are of int erest to you - you only need to register for SPIRIT Club weekly classes on ce. This 13-week session will start on Tuesday\, September 12 and run ever y Tuesday until December 5 at 12:00 pm ET. \n\nSPIRIT Club weekly classes are offered through our new partnership with the online gym. With a SPIRIT Club membership you can access all of their live and recorded virtual wel lness\, exercise and fitness programming (e.g.\, yoga\, Zumba\, fitness\, meditation\, nutrition\, etc.).'\n DTSTART:20231205T170000Z DTEND:20231205T180000Z LOCATION:Online SUMMARY:SPIRIT Club - Meditation URL:/channels/channels/event/spirit-club-meditation-35 2789 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR