BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240602T213117EDT-3030mpm05x@ DTSTAMP:20240603T013117Z DESCRIPTION:The digitalization of food systems together with the advancemen t of technologies facilitates the transmission of a large amount of inform ation between industry decision-makers/stakeholders and consumers. Digital technologies can connect physical food with its related digital informati on for various purposes. This presentation will give an overview of the us e of digital technologies\, such as Quick Response (QR) codes\, for food i dentification (traceability)\, authentication (anti-counterfeiting)\, medi a (marketing) and sensors (quality evaluation). Limitations and developmen t direction for improving the technology properties are also discussed as well as the insights on the drivers and barriers of digital technology use by industry decision-makers/stakeholders in food supply chains.\n\nThe Vi rtual Seminar Series on Food Authenticity is organized by researchers and students at Æ»¹ûÒùÔº and the University of Guelph.\n\nThe event is virtual a nd will take place over Zoom.\n\nZoom link\n\nAbout the speaker\n\nDr. Sar a Erasmus is currently an Assistant Professor in the Food Quality and Desi gn group at Wageningen University and Research\, the Netherlands. She obta ined her PhD in Food Science at Stellenbosch University\, South Africa\, i n March 2017 and for the same year\, worked as a postdoctoral researcher o f Meat Science at the Department of Animal Sciences at Stellenbosch Univer sity. She then continued her career as postdoctoral researcher of Food Fra ud at Wageningen University and Research\, which ensued into the entry of the current tenure track from August 2021.\n\nThrough her research\, she d eveloped a profound interest in the authentication and integrity of food. She believes that foods produced in a traditional\, sustainable manner car ry a priceless story and tradition that should be appreciated and protecte d from fraud and mislabelling. She specializes in the use of analytical te chniques for food authentication. Her PhD focused on the authentication of a regionally unique South African lamb product\, but nowadays she is invo lved with studies on various other food commodities (i.e.\, spices\, seafo od\, oils\, wine\, etc.) and applications. She maintains her special inter est in meat science\, combining this with a research theme on meat quality and supply chain integrity. She has published and presented her research findings at international conferences and to the public – contributing tow ards bridging the gap of knowledge between the industry\, the consumer and science.\n\nShe is involved with the H2020 mEATquality project (as work p ackage leader) with the overall aim to provide consumers with quality meat by developing scientific knowledge and novel solutions with farmers and c hain partners to address societal demands\, environmental concerns and eco nomic needs. In this project\, her team is exploring the effect of 'extens ification' factors on broiler meat quality\, as well as developing proteom ic techniques for the authentication of the meat. She coordinates and teac hes the Meat Science course and Food Fraud and Mitigation course and super vise various students at Wageningen University. She is also the co-contact person for the Netherlands for the International Congress of Meat Science and Technology.\n DTSTART:20240530T153000Z DTEND:20240530T163000Z LOCATION:Zoom SUMMARY:Food Authenticity Seminar Series: The Prospects of Digital Technolo gies for Food Identification and Authentication URL:/channels/channels/event/food-authenticity-seminar -series-prospects-digital-technologies-food-identification-and-357074 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR