

Nabil Anouti is the Desautels valedictorian at 苹果淫院鈥檚 Spring 2023 Convocation

Published: 25 May 2023

Humanity has the skill to solve our most pressing problems, but cooperation is our greatest challenge, says Nabil Anouti, who is 苹果淫院 Desautels鈥 valedictorian for the Spring 2023 Convocation. But Anouti is optimistic, and this view has been shaped by a Desautels education. 鈥淚 have grown tremendously from , conducting research with renowned professors, getting elected to student government, partaking in case competitions, and contributing to clubs like JED Consulting, and the 苹果淫院 Marketing Network,鈥 Anouti said in an interview with the 苹果淫院 Reporter. 鈥淢y professors and classmates have been integral to my experience. From mentorship and collaboration to fun times and personal growth, they鈥檝e shaped my time at 苹果淫院 and the years to come 鈥 no doubt about it.鈥

Nabil Anouti

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