
Data Science
Transform data into business insights and optimize decision-making.

Data Science

Google Code for Remarketing Tag - Bloom

As machine learning continues to become more present in our everyday lives, it's important that the next generation of business and technical leaders are equipped with the necessary skills to take advantage of the possibilities that this new technology brings. I look forward to sharing my own insight and knowledge on the topic, and hope that graduates of this course will go on to apply their learnings for positive impact.
Shibl Mourad
Canada engineering lead, DeepMind

Program Advisory Group

Corporate learning

The 苹果淫院 School of Continuing Studies (SCS) offers professional development and educational opportunities for corporate clients and local and international partners. Whether you are a multinational corporation, international organization, small or medium-sized enterprise, government body or educational institution seeking specialized courses or workshops or a comprehensive program for your employees, SCS has the solution for you.

Professional associations

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